The thought behind my poppy art work is from growing poppies in my garden. A friend gave me poppy seeds two winters ago. I spread the seeds like she suggested and last spring I had my first poppy blooms. I was so excited because I have always loved poppies. The details inside of the poppies are amazing and very intrigue. Every morning this spring i have walked out to look at the many colors and designs of these beautiful flowers. I smile with delight when I see them. This spring I have so many more poppies than last year. I have ordered many more poppy seeds to plant this winter. The honey bees relish the honey in the poppies and that should help save the bees. My goal is to have a much larger wild flower garden in the near future I take photographs of my poppies and I use them for my art work. This gives me the opportunity to keep my poppy art work fresh and new.