My seventy year old oak trees in the front of my house was a huge part of the beauty that came with our house when we bought it 10 years ago. During the seasonal changes these trees always inspire me. It takes these old oak trees much longer in the fall to loose their leaves. This also means many hours of raking and bagging leaves. This is just part of having beautiful old oak trees. Winter comes and my trees are bare and it almost adds a since of gloom along with the chilly weather. Spring comes along and the tiniest vivid green leaves start sprouting on my trees. This is always a reminder that life contiunes and I always feel a since of renewal. This spring will start a new journey in my life. When May arrives I will be retiring from a 36 year career of teaching art to many young people in Oklahoma. During the hot summer while my trees shade the house the acorns that the squirrels buried during the winter will start sprouting young oak trees. Fall will arrive again and I will enjoy the fall weather and watching my old oak trees.