My Red Oak Trees
As I look out my studio window this cool crisp winter day I see my Red Oak trees. The two trees and I are close to celebrating turning sixty-five. My Red Oak trees are always celebrating their life. They are about to drop their last few leaves for the year. This was the first year in the twelve years I have lived in my house that I saw the leaves turn a golden yellow. They don’t usually have much color so I was surprised as I celebrated with the trees. As I age with my trees I feel privileged that they are a part of my life. The trees share their tiny green leaves in the spring, their shade in the summer which is very necessary for my yard, birds and myself, their change of color for fall and their gigantic structure in the winter with a few leaves holding on. My trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. That’s a celebration for all of us. I will be the first one to admit that raking their many leaves isn’t always enjoyable but when I am out raking the smell of the leaves reminds me that I should be celebrating. As my trees continue their life span as I do my trees, birds, caterpillars, butterflies, insects and the many leaves will celebrate what nature has given us.