"Three Birds In A Tunnel"
This photo was taken in a park in NYC NY
Photo taken in Buena Vista Colorado.
Using The Tunnel photos for my birds in a tunnel series.
I started making forest because I find them enchanting, seeing forest on jeep trails, the tree is a symbol of life and is beneficial to our environment. In my art studio I look out my window everyday at two oak trees that are in their fifties. They are huge and beautiful and provide shade to my house and myself. The forest I see when I am in a jeep in Colorado are breathtaking. When every season changes I am in awe of the beauty the tree provides.
My artwork is now being shown in SeaDragon Gallery In North Carolina.
My artwork will be shown at Praire Arts Collective in November 2017
Twelve Red Cardinals
I am working on a series of pictures that goes with the Native American Lore about 12 red cardinals.
Print On Paseo 2017 The juror chose this two pictures for the show.
INSPIRE group womens art show
I am one of the 14 female artist selected to be in this art show in Oklahoma City in August 2017.
Gallery One Paseo
Showing June Through August.
This is a commissioned piece and the lady had specific colors in mind and she wanted a cross because she survived cancer. She said "it will serve very well in my soul and home."
"The Lost Acorn"
Clohesy Lake in San Isabel Forest in Colorado is a trail we take to visit the lake in our jeep when we visit Bueno Vista Co.. This piece was done from a photo I took when I visted this area. This is about 11,000 feet up in the mountains. The view is stunning.
A very large Ginkgo leave I found when I was walking my Dashchund on a fall day in Norman Oklahoma.
For years in my art work I have used organic images. I have always taken many photos of organic images. My images are made up but I am sure parts of the shapes have come from what I see in my photos and out on my excursions. i love the simplicity of organic images.
Leaves from My Seventy Year Old Oak Trees
My seventy year old oak trees in the front of my house was a huge part of the beauty that came with our house when we bought it 10 years ago. During the seasonal changes these trees always inspire me. It takes these old oak trees much longer in the fall to loose their leaves. This also means many hours of raking and bagging leaves. This is just part of having beautiful old oak trees. Winter comes and my trees are bare and it almost adds a since of gloom along with the chilly weather. Spring comes along and the tiniest vivid green leaves start sprouting on my trees. This is always a reminder that life contiunes and I always feel a since of renewal. This spring will start a new journey in my life. When May arrives I will be retiring from a 36 year career of teaching art to many young people in Oklahoma. During the hot summer while my trees shade the house the acorns that the squirrels buried during the winter will start sprouting young oak trees. Fall will arrive again and I will enjoy the fall weather and watching my old oak trees.
" My Mom"
I found this photo of my mom this summer. The photo has inspired me to start working on mixed media art work using cactus. This summer I went out and took many different photos of cactus. I am starting a new series using cactus.
My pet crow at my grandmothers when I was a baby.
Prairie Arts Collective
My art work will be showing at Prairie Arts Collective the month of August 2016 at Paseo in Okc Oklahoma, I will be showing my poppy mamas and the way they have evolved during the process of making them. The idea came from growing poppies in my garden. The softness in color to the bold colors and the delicate almost transparent petals gave me the idea to reinvent them into my poppy mamas. I have gone on a journey to explore many different mixed mediums to create the images that will be showing in this show.
"Embrace All"
"Embrace All" represents all people. I feel all people should be treated equal. It doesn't matter who they are or what color they are or where their from. We must learn to live together in a peaceful manner.
This picture represents my son and I. Its titled "Embrace" because when my son was born all I knew was I was having a baby boy. In a few years I realized he was gay. He had been born gay and I embraced him with my love. I have a daughter and a son whom I love very much. The Orlando situation where forty nine young gay and straight people were killed is why I did this particular piece. June 12 2016 was one of the saddest days of my life. I just couldn't believe what had happened. The thought that the young people that were killed scared me knowing this could happen to my son as well as any other young gay person. I hope in my lifetime that this hatred that makes an individual do something as hideous as this will come to an end.
With all the issues surrounding gender I decided to use pink and blue for the poppy moms. Everyone seems concerned about transgenders and the restroom policies. I have many transgender student that I teach in my high school. I feel that this young people are not a threat to the general public restrooms. That doesn't mean that there aren't individuals who are. My picture shows pregnant mom poppies one with a blue body to represent the male sex and a pregnant mom poppy that's pink to represent the female sex. I switched the color of the babies to the opposite color of the sex. I wanted this piece to show the loving nature of a mom even when the mom finds out their child is transgender. Having said that I know this isn't always the case. In my art world in a perfect scenario people would be accepting and loving of every individual.